Waiting for superman - eng

Je to obrázok z mojej tvorby, ale fotka v pozadí je od Sarahrhoads. :)
Aby ste nevraveli, že je to celé jej práca.
Dôležité upozornenie, anglicky neviem. Teda, nie tak dobre, aby tá báseň mala naozaj nejaký zmysel. Pre mňa má. Tak, ak žiadny zmysel nedáva, upozorňovala som vás na to.
Hej, a vymyslela som ju pri pesničke od Daughtry, aby ste vedeli nie je to celé copyright. Len tá myšlienka. A nikde to neprodukujem. Píšem, že mi to napadlo pri tej pesničke.
Na túto báseň sa viažu autorské práva.
Nekopírovať, len s odkazom.
Ďakujem the Breand

She is waiting on a phone
She is feeling so alone.
When nobody cares,
she talk to the stars.

She is trying to be spontanoeus
And her feeling is miscellaneous
About man near her,
May he her heart repair?

She’s waiting for superman,
And she does not know,
That she is waiting in his arms.

She is talking with stars,
She pays with lie-smile her scars.
She is looking for superman
And she believes that she can
Find him.


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